Saturday, December 8, 2012

Zoe Dung Oatmeal

Ok, so I can't help but posting this. As I'm procrastinating on sermon writing on Saturday evening, I came across...

Elephant dung coffee.

Yup, that's right.  In the news article, it explains how the coffee cherries are fed to elephants and the process of digestion breaks down the proteins that give coffee a bitter taste.  "Think of the elephant as the animal kingdom's equivalent of a slow cooker. It takes between 15-30 hours to digest the beans, which stew together with bananas, sugar cane and other ingredients in the elephant's vegetarian diet to infuse unique earthy and fruity flavors," the article reads.  It goes on, "That fermentation imparts flavors you wouldn't get from other coffees." 

The elephant rescue organization, "Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation, gets a whole 8% of the proceeds, which it puts toward taking care of the elephants.  No elephant harm done.  Would you try it?  I sure would.  That is, if I had the dough to sip a tiny cup of elephant dung coffee at $50 per serving.

Then I had this great idea.  Horses don't always fully chew or digest parts of their feed, especially those that wolf down their grain.  What if I picked out the oats that remain in tact from Zoe's pasture, roll them and sell Zoe Dung Oatmeal?  Shiney Granola?  Of course there would be the flavoring of alfalfa, corn, apples, and carrots from the vegetarian diet of my horses.  Shiney Granola would also have a special, most likely seasonal pear option. If I'm doing the math correctly, I could sell it for about 1/4 of the price of elephant dung coffee.

In case you want to check it out, and the great pictures: Elephant Dung Coffee



  1. Deer Paster augustson

    I do not think that that kind of oatmeel would be a good idea

    , maybe she will buck you off agin from embarassment\

    a fan

  2. To each their own, but no thank you personally.
