Thursday, September 1, 2011

Leavin' on a jet plane...don't know when I'll be back again!

Well, it's been all smooth so far...a few hours into the trip. Of course, I didn't make it through security in Minneapolis because I failed to take my Chapstick out of my pants pocket. However, I also failed to take my baggie of liquids out of my carry-on...which nobody said anything about. Go figure.

Another observation that I'm not sure I've thought of before, at least not deeply. It's really a pain to have to take all your stuff into the stall with you to pee. Nobody to guard bags. Not that the 4 guys I went to Guyana with in January...'nother story.  Well, it's too funny not to write.  We'd just landed in the Georgetown airport in Guyana, 4 guys from Wartburg and I, and we were standing an an immobile line to get through...something. Anyway, I figured since the line wasn't moving I'd run and go.  Had no idea when we'd see another bathroom.  So, as I'm walking toward the Women's door, a lady standing outside the Men's grabs my arm and says, "Right here!" and shoves me through the door into the men's room. The room was empty so I though, "Well, maybe the ladie's room is out of order and that woman is going to guard the door." Not so much. I'm ready to leave my stall and men start walking in, of course stopping at the urinals right by the door out.  Do I stay in my stall until they leave or do I just leave?  I waited a bit but men just kept coming in, so I washed my hands and left as quickly and indescretely as a white female in a Guyanese men's bathroom can leave.  As I walk out the door, all 4 guys are standing in line watching for me, laughing hysterically, "We were wondering what you were going to do!"

Anyway, on to Germany.  Here I am, settled into the 5-bed "girl's room" at Townside Hostel.  The closer to Munich the plane got, the more I started to panic--the "estimated arrival" was creeping closer and closer to being late and I already had less than 50 minutes to get through customs, check in, pass security, and be on my next plane.  But, then I thought, you know, mix-ups are half the adventure!  So what if I miss the plane?  There are other ways to get from Munich to Bremen!"  But, since German Customs are nothing like the USA, I didn't even have to collect my checked bags.  Nobody asked me why I was entering the country.  Only when I was trying to find my way out of the Bremen airport (carrying both checked bags and both carry-ons in my two scrawny little arms) did I get pulled off to the side to be quite gently interrogated about whether I'd brought anything like cheese from home.

Being too tired to do much but trying not to sleep too early, I wandered the streets for a bit, found some of the gummiest spaghetti to eat, and now I'm ready to crash for good. Oh, by the way, all my websites are in German and if I spell check, everything is spelled wrong...Day 1 in Germany.


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