Sunday, August 26, 2012

New Address

Yup, I need to start writing again. Sorry. Kinda got bored writing the same thing every week and not wanting to spew too much online.

Just a quick note this time, even though there is a lot to write about.
Upcoming posts will include: changed relationship status, dogs, bone chips and arthritis, and then the first experiences of internship on the west coast. Dad, Madelaine and I will leave early Monday morning (tomorrow!) for Oregon in my little red pickup, Clifford. Clifford says I have way too many books for him to lug all the way across the country.

And, many are asking, so here is my new address beginning in September:

Alyssa Augustson
621 S 10th Street
Coos Bay, OR 97420

Phone number is the same, 612 750 2835. It's so strange to have a phone again...


1 comment:

  1. A new adventure and lots of learning and ministry to come-excited for you-we will have to compare experiences this year,
