Friday, May 18, 2012

The mind games of running...and life.

I really have nothing that I should write about. Or, perhaps I should say that nothing I have to write about is of much interest, even to me, but here's a babbly update anyway.

Things have been rather wild in a not-very-exciting way lately. Mostly just a lot of things happening that could have more pleasantly not happened at all. Like, my hotmail account being hacked the other night and sending many of you all kinds of crap mail. Hotmail picked up on the event and locked the account...and since I was so good at not keeping my information UTD, my backup email address that would get me back into my own account has been gone for at least 3 years. So, is dead, likely never to be resurrected, as are the many special personal emails I have collected over the 13-years since the birth of the account. Wow, that means I've had Shiney for 13 years. The best pony a 13-year-old girl could ever wish for!

As I went about checking to see if anything else was out of order, changing passwords, etc, I managed to do a whole lot more damage myself. I lost about half my pictures, some of which I have on CDs back home and some of which I can pull back off Facebook, but some of which are gone forever. Go me.

One last little annoyance with that is that when I tried to skype with Mom today, the microphone was disconnected from skype and it wasn't until we had given up and Mom headed off to work that I figured out what was going on and got it fixed. Hopefully all is relatively in order now, though perhaps little things will continue to show up as time goes on.

New topic: running. Distance running.

I was thinking the other day that, YES, I really am beating the mind game of running again. But that was 2 days ago and I haven't run since. When I had the brilliant idea of signing up for a half marathon in München, the goal was motivation to run, a race to hold me accountable (especially since my riding has come to a halt, and a not very square one). It's not working so well. Now, not even the race is motivating me, though I keep sight of the shirt and finisher's medal. It helps a bit. I'm about 6 weeks out, averaging 3 runs/week, wearing blisters and blood, side aches, still struggling to make my lungs work right after being sick, and just not at all excited about the idea. I'd rather curl up with a blanket and a book. My run on Wednesday was the first time I came back feeling better than when I started. That's how EVERY run is supposed to go.

Of course I have to analyze why the mind games of distance running are much tougher for me to win this time around. It will be my third half-marathon but the conditioning is so much tougher when one begins training with no foundation to build on. My other two halves have come at the end of a summer of hard riding and farm work...a base from which further conditioning comes fairly easy. Don't have that this time.

So, looking toward the coming new adventures, I'm hoping to take one of my ponies out west with me. I'd like a year of pressureless riding... riding trails, hacking, just putting miles on my "younger" mare, Zoe, or enjoying the time and partnership with my Shiney Dimes. There are a couple major roadblocks between that dream and reality... like finding a decent barn to board at that is safe and affordable. The other problem is transportation from WI to OR. We'll see what happens. I welcome any ideas or connections!

Back to my blanket and book...

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